Thursday, June 19, 2008

A constant battle

I dread cutting  my boys hair!  It has always been a battle.  When they were young they wouldn't sit still- now they just complain the whole time; that is if I can actually get them in the chair. Sometimes I actually break down and pay someone else to do it.  I don't want to discourage my younger friends (who struggle with their two year olds) but the struggle never goes away. To make things worse they even get too big to pick up and carry over your shoulder. In-fact when they are teenagers they pick you up and carry you over their shoulder!  No joke, Chris did this to me once and ran outside with me.  It was embarrassing.  Anyway the battle is over for today with whammy boy at least for another few weeks but watch out drummer boy you are next.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Well done!

It has been so long since I posted, I almost forgot how.  My daughter Amy and her husband  Mike just graduated from NIU. Amy earned her masters in marriage and family therapy  and Mike his bachelors in accounting. They are excited to be done and are looking forward to the arrival of the twins! For pictures of the twins go to Amy's blog thurstythoughts.